Deja'vu Vs Jamais'vu
Dejavu - It's a feeling of what's happening has happened before. I have had Dejavu and am sure most of you would have experienced it! We feel what we are doing is what we have done before in a remote time, several ages ago or may be yesterday, day before yesterday, last month, 2 years ago...Here is a hypothetical example of Dejavu. On your first visit to your friend's place, you see a hanging kitchen (weird though :)) and you feel like you have seen the same house with this hanging kitchen before!! It'sssssss a Dejavu.....
But, have you ever felt 'Jamais vu'?? It's the opposite of Dejavu. It's a feeling of false unfamiliarity with a situation. For example, walking into one's own home and feeling that one has never been there before.
I have seen people who have not gone into the extremities but have a sense of feeling that whatever happened so far seems that it has happened during their last birth???!!! Is it kind of selective Jamais vu??? GOK :)
Does anyone fall into this category? I am sure most of us would fall into category A but not B. I feel I'm into both :):):)
:-) I have experienced A and not sure about B :-)
Raji..Dont become a weird person :))..If we think more, sometimes the most familiar things and events to us become strange..I kind of experienced it but it's bad :-)
Weirdo??? Not me :)
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