Monday, August 13, 2007

Entrepreneur - A Spotlight

I have been thinking about this topic for quite sometime and here I am writing one (with a yawnn...It's my bedtime :))

Let me come to the topic. Here I want to touch base with an excerpt from HBR (Harvard Business review) about 'Saying No to No'...

Look around. This world is full of things and according to nay-sayers, it should never have had happened. "Impossible", "Impractical", "No-way" and a simple "No"...Isn't it high time that someone has got negative about negativity??? As everyone of us would have learnt, minus * minus is plus...Negative about negativity is also a plus. Saying 'No' is simple...but converting that two letter word to a three letter 'Yes' isn't easy(not literally)...But, yet 'Yes' prevails...
Yes, continents have been found.
Yes, men have played golf on the moon.
Yes, medical miracles happen.

What does it take to convert this 'No' to 'Yes'?
Curiosity. An open mind. Willingness to take risks. And when problems seem insoluble to most, when the challenge is hardest, when it hits the road badly, when everyone is shaking their heads, there's someone who stands up and say...No worries, let's go and do it! That's an Entrepreneur.

To be precise, it involves Hardwork; Dedication; Eating, breathing and living your dreams daily; Pushing harder; Taking a path which others dare to go; Never stopping and never surrendering; Being Fearless...That's an Entrepreneur.

When I write this, I remember one of my friends in college wrote this in my autograph.
Never take a path where others go...
Instead, take a path where noone dare to go...
Be a leader and make others follow you...
For you have the guts and ability to do...

In this context, I am not talking about me and my ability but the actual lines that she has written. This inspires me a lot. But, to be honest, preaching and getting inspired is easy than practising...Isn't it???

That's the end of this topic. But I have already thought about my next topic on Management. It needs some ground work to do. So, till I scribble that here, keep guessing!!!

N.B: Changing the font color to mark a difference in the topic category...Thinking outside the box..hee...hee...:):)


At August 14, 2007 at 7:45 AM , Blogger Sriram said...

Hey Letchu.. At last my debut on ur blogspot :) The write up is good but sounds a bit philosophical.

My honest suggestion is - Reduce the motivational quotes on ur future write ups and give more of a practical feel to ur writing.

To be more precise on my point, when someone reads ur write up, they must think "Ya.. Very correct. I've faced this too.. ".

Or on the other hand they must think "Wow.. Now thats a different thought flow. I never imagined that way. But its nice to read this and hereon i will".

I hope you are able to make out what I'm trying to suggest.

At August 14, 2007 at 8:55 PM , Blogger Raji said...

Valid point! Will take this into consideration.


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