Mon & Co...
Mon - Monica
Chan - Chandler
Rich - Richard
Mon: Wow, it's the PROM night video
Chan: Let's watch it!
The video starts...
Mon: Here I come...
Chan: (Giggles...becomes laughs...)
Mon: The camera adds 10 pounds, you know?
Chan: Oh right! So, how many cameras are around you? :))
Mon: Honey, did you set up the bed?
Rich: Yeah
Mon: How sweet you are...
Rich: Ok..I am going to take a shower
Mon tries to re-arrange the bed and Rich comes
Rich: Do you say if X is the baddest or fattest?
Mon: (Halfway in arranging and lies on the bed to cover-up) Sure, X is the fattest...
Rich: What are you doing?
Mon: Jus lying on bed
Rich: You were trying to rearrange the bed, weren't you?
Mon: Honey, I am so obsessed with these stuff...The flap has to go on the bottom left hand corner but you had it on the top right corner
Rich: I will learn it from you
Mon: So nice...then I'll show you how to wrap the toilet napkin tomorrow...
Rich: #$%^&* (head swirls)....
Ha ha ha...Hilarious :)
Above is an excerpt from FRIENDS serial...not the actual sentences uttered but the glimpse of the scenes in my own words :) I've got my own collection and so, I can go on watching it any number of times...A complete stress buster!
Of course! Watching friends is the best way to relax and have fun
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