'Go, Kiss the world'
Subrato Bagchi, the COO of MindTree Consulting in India has released his latest book 'Go,kiss the world'.While I was grazing over the news lines today and checking for this book, stumbled upon the link for the speech that he gave 4 years back @ IIM. Simple thoughts, realistic life's happenings and the principles that he has inculcated from his life, is worth reading and following!
Those I liked:
"I have to create a bloom in a desert and whenever I am given a new place, I must leave it more beautiful than what I had inherited".
"You should leave your newspaper and your toilet, the way you expect to find it".
Imagination is everything. If we can imagine a future, we can create it, if we can create that future, others will live in it. That is the essence of success.
Success is about the sense of independence. Success is your ability to rise above your discomfort, whatever may be your current state. It is about giving back more to life than you take out of it. It is about creating extra-ordinary success with ordinary lives.
Go, read the full version here...
Labels: Books, Business, Entrepreneur
Thank you for your kind review - I am indeed grateful
Subroto Bagchi
I have been a big fan of Mr.Bagchi's writing especially 'The High Performance Entrepreneur'.
Looks like Amazon.com, still doesn't have his book listed.
I have been a big fan of Mr.Bagchi's writing especially 'The High Performance Entrepreneur'.
Looks like Amazon.com, still doesn't have this book listed.
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