Stages 'n' Choices...
This Athma came to this world in the early 80's. Her life started with charishmatic smile quoting 'I wanna be an actress :)' when someone asks her what her future goal is? She can stand infront of the mirror the whole day like the man who stands in the entrance of VGP beach :) You could see a future 'wannabe' actress appreciating her beauty!
Although she said she wanted to be an actress, she could be seen with a whip and chalk board teaching her fellow neighbourhood kids for the sake of her pleasure in being a 'Guru', but to the resentment of those kids. This shows that she wanted to be a teacher!
Then she championed herself as a good sportswoman who can hold willows, racquets and push balls, others :) Maybe, she wanted to be a sportsperson!
Later stage, she entered into the arena of 'Oli' and 'Olye' (i.e. Music and Dance) where she showed her utmost involvement and expression. Oh...This time, she wanted to be a 'Kalaingi'!
Then, she carried her managing principles with her all the way and wanted to become an Entrepreneur. But, this never happened.
Again, goals changed as years passed by. Being proned to aging factor and singlehood, she has given up all the above and just concentrates on blogging and Musicking through blogs during her lesiure time....
Sweets attract her;
Dreams ruin her;
Water intimidates her;
Music soothes her;
Smile rejoices her;
Selfishness bothers her;
Friends mean a lot to her;
Likes being passionate;
Hates being dumb;
An early riser;
Addicted to coffee and Frozen thoughts;
Sees positive in everything;
Tries different things;
Takes life as it comes;
And excited to live - Thatzz me!!!!
Labels: Just like that..., life, passion, Personality
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