Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The 'F' syndrome

I have my top favorites in anything and everything I do and so as in reading. My top two favorite books are 'It's your ship' and 'Catch me if you can' and now I have a third one to add - It's Robin Sharma's 'The greatness guide'. I have read it more than once but I am still reading it every day. It's like reading one or two chapters every day which usually refreshes my thoughts. There's one such good read recently from this book and it's about the 'F' syndrome. When I used to think or talk about such topics, I always say to myself - Easy said than done. Now, towards the syndrome:

The 4 most significant things in life that we go through almost everyday. I would actually call it as 3 instead of 4 since it's 'fear of failure' which goes hand in hand and can be categorized into one.
Fear of failure - When you fear, you fail. When you cannot accept failure, you fear. Why do people say 'be confident'? Because if you fear, you will will not execute as you expected. When you talk or sing on stage, if you fear, you will not deliver it quite right. That's a failure when things don't happen as expected. But when I say this, I have got confused at times because I firmly believe that success comes through failure. So, fear of failure should be okay, right? But now, I have an answer - it's okay only when fear of failure and success is understood well

Forgetting - This is the most common factor. It's not forgetting what to buy today or whether I have paid the rent? It's about forgetting what is learnt. When you go for a seminar or when you watch a highly inspiring show, you'll feel rejuvenated and entitled to think that you want to be like that or you want to do that. But after a good night's sleep, all will go away from your mind and you are the same old person going to work, exercise, read, eat and sleep. Once we are out of the moment, we lose it, we forget what we thought at that point. When someone does not have this syndrome, then they are committed to that particular thing. Commitment and consistency in one are powerful factors

Faith - I always think about this when people talk about love or marriage although it's applicable to almost every thing in life. When you have faith on something or someone, you will not question about it. When there is lot of questions, then there is no faith. When you don't have faith, you will not give it a try. When you don't give a try, how will you know whether it will work or not? (So many questions??? ;))

Robin Sharma gave few examples in his book on all these and it's a whole new perspective of transforming one's attitude. It's easy to say but hard to follow. But when followed, I guess that would be an extraordinary life to lead :)

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At April 9, 2009 at 9:20 AM , Blogger Raji U said...

Good One !!!

At April 9, 2009 at 8:21 PM , Blogger Raji said...

Thanks :)


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