Sunday, October 28, 2007

My Little Masterpiece

As always, Musical Instruments allure me a lot wherever I go and so does puzzles. This is a proof of that. I went to a nearby mall here yesterday with my friends. When all my friends were into some shopping spree to get winter clothes and Halloween things, I stood near a small shop which had a coverage of all wooden 3D puzzles. They ranged from a small ant to a huge dragon and a massive dino. I spent around half an hour trying to choose a puzzle and analyzing how would be the outcome of each one of those.

Aha...! There was this one which caught my attention - It was a beautiful Eiffel Tower and I was about to grab it. But, my heart said, Wait! you have something else to choose...Go left and see. I went to the left side and saw a combo of Piano and Guitar. Nevertheless to say, I din't even waste a minute to think about it. I grabbed it and went to the counter to pay.

The guy over the counter asked me 'Do you play instruments? You seem to be interested in these rather than the ones like Eiffel Tower which people generally buy'. I replied 'I don't play Musical Instruments although I love to and that's the reason that I got these'. He said 'I'll give you a discount of 7$ for this..Please take it'. I said 'That's nice of you. Thanks!'

After coming home, I started constructing it yesterday and I couldn't believe that I spent 2 hrs 30min to complete 25% of it and devoid of patience, I gave up :( I restarted the construction today but couldn't complete. I approached my little friend (a 3rd Grade school boy) asking him whether he would be able to help me. He was so excited to see that and we both started from the scratch again. After spending almost an hour, we couldn't get clues on how to finish the Guitar part and kept it aside. Few people came and tried but everyone lost patience and finally gave up.

But me and the small kid started with the Piano part and when we were about to complete 50% of it, one of the parts which we built, broke apart and we both were looking at each other with a sad face. I cheered him up saying...Come on! It's not our fault. Let's fix it and complete the rest!

We spent another 1hr 20min to complete the whole Piano part with stitches on one of the broken piece. To be honest, my role was only 25% but that kid finished it to make it evolve into a masterpiece... Yeah, I am talking about this cute little masterpiece in the photo!

I liked it and kept it in a safer place. Hats off to the Junior Geek who helped me in making this!!! You might not be able to visualize why am saying it's tough and took so much time unless you actually plunge into doing it.

Hmmm...What next???? None other than trying out the enigmatic Guitar tomorrow. Will post a blog about it depending on how it comes...Wait and watch! And I'm going to get an appointment from that same boy for making this tomorrow :):)


At October 28, 2007 at 10:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks very cute! Hats off to the little Geek.

At November 13, 2007 at 4:37 PM , Blogger Raji said...



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