Saturday, October 27, 2007

The 'TIME' Factor

Time is precious. All of us know that. But how many of us have given time to think about it? I have heard from most of the people those whom I know, telling these words - 'I don't/din't have time to do that'. Sometimes I held that position of saying those words. I happened to read an article about time and it was delivering simple concepts about time. Although I have read many Time Management articles and I was following a few strategies sometime back, I figured out that I am out of focus on that factor now. Writing a blog might induce me to focus on it - This is what I think now.

We come across a word called 'Deadline' everyday (most of the times @ work) When you come to know about the 'Deadline', you can see people around you telling 'It says deadline is xxxx but we can deliver it after 2 days...' I don't know then why they have mentioned it as deadline then? :) Then why there's a time factor in everything we come across? When you want to buy something in a shop, it says shops are open from this time to this time. Will you go after the specified time? That's foolish, isn't it? Then slipping a deadline is also foolish at times.

The best example of time factor would be a Wedding ceremony. When the invitation says 'Muhurtham at 7:00 A.M' and most of them who want to attend it will be office goers and as a well wisher they would attend it and go office from there directly. But the Muhurtham might not start at 7 exactly as the invitation cites...Because the Bride/Groom will be in the Beauty parlour. When 1000s of people have invested their time to attend this, people behind the arrangement and the ceremony should think about managing time. I'm not saying that they shouldn't go to the Beauty Parlour but they can plan well in advance and save time for everyone's good. Although it depends on the parlour stylist, when you insist to do well in advance, it won't get tardy.

Reiterating those words from the first liner of this blog, when a friend can call you to get some job details for applying in your company or details about taking GRE, the same friend might not have had time to call when you fell sick or when you tied a nuptial knot. It shows selfishness. But people give variegated reasons for that and the one hearing at the other end is not a fool to believe it all. Think about it!!!

When people like Jack Welch, Indra Nooyi, APJ can juggle many roles and be successful and manage time, why can't we? Although I agree to the fact that success and time go hand in hand, not only the great people whom I have specified manages time. I have seen few in my daily life about whom I would like to tell. Within 24 hours, if the following two people can manage time and life, why don't/can't we? A necessity to be indulged on this thought, I guess.

These are the two:
A lady Manager who juggles her roles as a Business Woman, Wife, Mother, Fashion Designer, Blogger, Vocalist
A House wife who manages a day care, a grocery shop, private tutoring and also being a wife and mother taking care of all needs

These two might not be Nooyis, Mazumdars or Bedis...but they have the same capacity and ability as them. I believe that!

Invest time in
What you like to do and what your heart says
Friends, Family and hobbies

Drive time as you want it and achieve what you want but don't waste it! Because, time once lost is lost!

That's about it...Any comments/criticisms are welcome :):) Have a great weekend ya...


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