Simple recipe...
When you feel tired and do not want to spend more time in cooking, you can very well make an attempt on this simple recipe.
Required items:
Bread - 8
Onion - Finely chopped
Tomato - Finely chopped
Lettuce - Finely chopped
Sooji (Rava) - 4 teaspoons
Curd - 3-4 teaspoons
Salt, Chilli powder - small amount for additional taste/flavour
Method: Mix sooji and curd and add the finely chopped onion, tomato, lettuce, salt and chilli powder. Mix well until it comes like a paste. Take the breads and spread this paste on those breads - one side/two sides as you wish. Once it is spreaded, put the bread in the non-stick pan and keep it until it turns brown. Then toast it on the other side. To check whether it is toasted well, break the bread lightly and see if the paste exists as it was applied. If so, you have to put it in pan for some more time.
Done! Simple and easy to make. Just takes 10-15 mins depending on how many you are about to make. I have given you a simple recipe. Can you name it??? Try it out! And do let me know whether you liked it!